Modern Warfare 2 Sniper Montage - Smoky DRFT April 30, 2010 capture card drag scope Game Montage Gaming montage modern warfare2 MW2 no scope quick scope sniper montage +
Call of Duty 4 Sniper Montage - II D0m1n4t0r II April 27, 2010 call of duty 4 cod sniper cod4 drag scope Game Montage Gaming montage Modern warfare 2 no scope quick scope sniper montage +
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Final Fantasy Game Montage April 18, 2010 cashing cars cloud ff:advent child ff7 ffx final fantasy final fantasy advent child seripoth snow patrol tifa +
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Venoms MW2 game montage April 01, 2010 capture card cod sniper drag scope Game Montage modern warefare 2 mw2 montage of duty no scope quick scope. +