Possible feature list for Dance Central 2

Dance Central was pretty dang popular during Kinect’s launch, so it should come as no surprise that a sequel is in the works. What should be surprising is that Kotaku has gotten its hands on a survey which developer Harmonix has been floating around the interwebs to collect feedback and suggestions for the sequel. While it’s all conjecture at this point, here are some of the things we can hope for in DC2:

- Customization: custom dance crafting allowing you to string moves together into your own unique combinations; onscreen avatars will also be more customizable.
- Online Functionality: look for an online store where you can purchase songs, moves, and outfits for your avatar; online multiplayer game modes over Xbox Live; online photo sharing; downloadable content challenges; and social network score sharing.
- Performance Feedback: Dance Central 2 will likely be more effective in telling you what you’re doing correctly and what you aren’t. You’ll be able to replay recaps, see side-by-side comparisons of your dancing with the in-game instructor’s moves, have the option to practice individual moves repeatedly, and tweak difficulty settings.
- Voice control: you know, you’ll be able to control the game with your voice.
- Song merging: much like in the Rock Band games, you’ll be able to move songs into the latest version of Dance Central so you won’t need to switch between discs.
