Blurring the Line – An Experiment in Casualcore Gaming: Part 2 - by Christopher Totten

      Posted 11/23/10 10:34:00 am   Brainstorming

            When we last left our intrepid heroes (my students and I), we had decided to explore the borders between the realm of casual gaming and that walled off, exclusive land inhabited by the hardcore.  We explored this place in between in an effort to create a game that could bridge the gap between the two gaming styles and be something both could enjoy.  While many have tread this path before, we knew it was rare for designers to consciously do so, instead focusing on one or the other. What we discovered is the need for a game that is easy to pick up and play, hard to master, involves elements of strategy and puzzling, that had thematic elements that both found appealing, a classic-gaming flavor, with characters that the players could center the experience on, and with both a sense of realism and the surreal. 
