Why You Struggle to Make Gold in World of Warcraft

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A lot of people seem to have trouble making as much gold as they want. It also seems that a lot of people read gold blogs and then get disheartened when a short while later they still don't have as much as they expected. This has made me think and compile a short list of common reasons why people may be failing to achieve their goals.

Don't expect to hit the gold cap within days or even weeks. Even the very top 1% of gold earners only make a few thousand gold a day. If you look in your in game statistics you can see how much your character earns every day. Instead of aiming to get it to 5k a day set a more reasonable target. Perhaps aim to raise your income by 20g a day.

Some people expect massive results from a market without fully understanding how it works and all its possibilities. One big example of this is the many people who have read about the saronite shuffle and assumed that the exact figures given in whatever article they've read are accurate and work on their server. This leads to people buying saronite at unprofitable prices and losing money as well as wasting a lot of time. Addons such as auctioneer are a big help with your research as they can help you keep track of average prices for items over a period of time. It is also worth using websites such as wowhead to search for items you are selling to check what other uses they have and whether you could make more money selling them to a different market.

two main issues with this one. Firstly its no good making items that sell for 100g profit if you can only sell one of them a week. Secondly if your business consists of selling only a few items then you are more susceptible to market changes than you want to be. Blizzard release pretty big changes on a regular basis. Recently its been the ability to trade honour for gems which causes a massive increase of supply. If you spread your business over several markets then changes like this will only lower your daily income rate slightly.

Perhaps the reason you cant make enough gold to satisfy your greed is that the other people selling the same items as you are better at it than you. Its nothing to be ashamed of, if you are a casual player who plays for an hour in the evenings then don't be surprised if you are constantly being undercut and the price of your raw materials drops low enough for it not to be worth your time. In this situation don't be afraid of trying a new market. Perhaps the new market will make you richer and wiser and give you the ability to come back to your original market with new powers and dominate it yourself.

This one seems a bit too obvious. You aren't going to have a lot of gold in your bags if you've just bought epic flying for you and everyone of your friends. However this isn't a bad thing. Gold is there to be spent and enjoyed. I know a lot of people aim for the gold cap of 214k but if they don't have some fun along the way then I'm sure they are going to struggle to stay motivated.

Thomas Urban writes weekly WoW gold making guides for http://www.eurogr.com

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
