Backbreaker demo downloaded 1 million times

The demo for Natural Motion and 505 Games’ unique football simulator Backbreaker has been downloaded 1 million times according to its publisher.

Yeah, the game doesn’t have an NFL license, but it does have a pretty neat realistic animation style. And really, that’s a pretty staggering figure, but it’s also sort of depressing.

The game was pretty coldly received, and while sales statistics aren’t out yet, I’d be amazed if it pushed more than a million units. So all those samplers said “hey, this is not a great game, I won’t buy it.” Still, a million is a million.

That said, the game recently received a pretty large overhaul dubbed the “Greathouse.” The post-release patch fixed many of the game’s irksome features and packed in a brand new replay system, more than 110 new plays, enhanced quarterback view, and a user-catch system.

So maybe the game is better now? I’ll be demo downloader 1,000,001!
