Top tips for making a game montage

So you've managed to store up enough footage to make a montage,But where not sure how to make a good game montage clip heres a few pointers:
first of all you need to build your editing experience. You can't go right to the top without climbing a ladder! You can't expect people to enjoy your montage if you have effects in places where you do not need them, or stupid flashes of the screen that have no point. What I mean by starting from the bottom is for your first couple of videos, keep it simple. Have the music playing, and the gameplay flowing. No effects nothing. The most important thing is Audio Video Syncing. You don't need to have a shake on every snipe, or a flash on every triple kill. What you can try and this has an even greater effect, is have the person getting shot for the triple right on the beat! It gives it a way better feel and effect.

Once you get your A/V Sync down you can start messing with the effects in Vegas. Same thing with these editing programs. If you don't know how to use Sony Vegas, DO NOT jump into AAE. You will produce sh.tty, over edited works and you can't even get your point across because you were too busy slapping on effects. Like I was saying, mess around with effects in Vegas, pac/crop here and there, very subtle and again, make it to the beat. Once you get that down, you can move further.

If people like your previous works and say you have some talent in editing, proceed to AAE. Let's face it, this goes for everything in life. Some people have talent, some people don't. The people who have talent need to train for their true skill to actually come out in what they do. The people who don't have talent, can work and work but still something will be missing! The same thing goes for making a video, you can't develop your talent if you don't work at it and practice!

My last point is the music. People, you do not need rock music to make a good montage. Mix it up! Don't be afraid! Use some pop here and there try to mix it up. I'm not saying don't use your favorite rock band or whatnot but music really makes your montage stand out from the rest! So please, I beg of think about this.

Look at it this way. How do you guys think the editing greats that have edited videos for this website came along? You think they all started in AAE? You think they all knew how to make a perfect and clean editing video? If you guys saw the video edited by Obscure Terror, the MGS Snake video, did you think, he got the skill and patience to edit every single beat to the song to something in the game? Do you know how much practice that takes? If you guys have ever seen Peridious edit, do you think he came up with his ideas overnight and somehow made amazing videos? No they worked their way up. These are only a couple of good editors that stand out. There are SO many more and there are so many others that are up and coming. All of them started at a point. A very low point, some even started in Windows Movie Maker! But they built their way up, learned the basics, and applied the basics to the advanced skills in montages. Also, you do not need to become a professional editor to have good videos. There are people who do this shit for fun and still release AMAZING videos, from the top of my head, Kblocker is one of them. I loved EVERY video he made, Reid wherever he may be and we can't forget Phurion and so many more.
