IGDA-LA August meeting this Thursday -- Writing Videogames - by Luis Levy

The Videogame Writers Caucus welcomes the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) to the WGAW for a joint gathering focused on videogame writing and writers. The event will offer members of both organizations the opportunity to meet their counterparts and discover what points of common ground exist between two groups dedicated to improving the lives and careers of game writers. The meeting will feature a panel discussion on game writing with an all-star group of industry veterans whose backgrounds run the gamut from film and TV to gaming.

Please RSVP at http://igdala-august2010.eventbrite.com/


Panel Topic for August:

Writing Videogames: Tall Tales of Triumph & Terror


Gary Drucker  – Writer, producer and new media consultant whose portfolio runs the gamut from screenwriting, to interactive titles, to location-based entertainment and everything in betweenSean Jablonski – Writer and producer of hit TV and videogame properties including The Bourne Conspiracy, Nip/Tuck, Law & Order and OzF.J. Lennon – Writer, interactive producer and designer with over 45 interactive games & educational titles, including Realtime Audio Adventures, Star Crusader, Disney’s Hades Challenge and Blood NetSusan O’Connor – Writer of award-winning games that have sold over 10 million copies, including BioShock, BioShock 2, Far Cry 2, Blacksite: Area 51 and Gears of WarMarv Wolfman – Writer of comic books, videogames, film, TV and much more, including Blade, The Tomb of Dracula, The New Teen Titans and Crisis on Infinite Earths


Hors d’oeuvres will be served.


Thursday, August 12, 2010 from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM (PT)


WGAW Headquarters7000 West 3rd Street 2nd Floor Lounge

Los Angeles, CA 90048

If you have any questions, please email hokyman
