Bringing Game Dev Story to Facebook - Design Concepts - by Damian Connolly

      Posted 10/23/10 06:12:00 pm  

Recently I've been spending a lot of time playing the quite excellent Game Dev Story on the iPhone. If you haven't played it, then I recommend checking it out; refreshingly it's got more depth than your average iPhone game and has such a nice flow that you'll find yourself constantly creating "just one more game". As a bit of a design exercise, I was trying to think how I'd go about bringing this type of game to Facebook – it practically has all of the necessary elements, and it's addictive enough on its own merits to bring users back to your app.

What is Game Dev Story?

For the uninitated, Game Dev Story has you managing a startup games company. You hire all different types of employees and set them the task of creating a multi-million selling game (although at the start, even breaking 100k units feels hard won).
