Quake Live Premium and Pro content offered free until Sept. 26

Like your old school deathmatch? Quake Live has been offering just what you’re after for well over a year now, and just recently announced yearly subscriptions that offer additional features and content. A yearly fee for one deathmatch game may seem pretty steep, so id Software is providing the content found in both the Premium and Pro subscriptions free of charge until September 26 in the hopes that you’ll see a good value in either the $24 or $48 yearly packages. A quick rundown of what you can try for free is below…

The Premium subscription will land you (taken from the Press Release):

Access to 20 QUAKE LIVE Premium only maps at launch with more to come.  Premium maps are a combination of brand new maps and frequently requested community favorites from previous QUAKE games such as Aerowalk, Theater of Pain, Japanese Castles, and Realm of Steel Rats;An all new
